Shame on you goran! you are creating un-necessary problems for kurds in a very critical time! in a time where kurds are negotiating for their future! this time is very crucial for kurds as a nation, we must forge ourselves into the political system before Iraq gets back on their feet. Mr newshirwan you have not changed one bit, you are still the man you were when you were with the PUK, your mentality has not changed one bit, what has changed is the power you held which is what made you angry, you are power hungry! and will stop at nothing to get it. It's quite amusing becuase all of your moves are not original. Your party name 'change' you got from obama, and the protests from the Arab world. SHAME ON YOU.
Goran and it's supporters I have some questions for you.
Goran you complain about fraud and corruption. As far as I'm aware you have been a part of PUK until 2007, and I'm very sure that there has been corruption from 91 onwards (even earlier) so what has changed? is this your backward mentality?
1. You run in the Kurdish elections with. You then accepted the results, how can you now call the government to resign? who is the undemocratic party here?
2. You run separately in the Iraqi elections, you lost us seats in Kirkuk and so you lost us the influence needed to get Kirkuk back. If that was now enough you then withdrew from the Kurdistani alliance and again lost influence in Baghdad, was that necessary? you need to sort your problems out in Erbil not Baghdad.
3. You know very well that Kurdistan is surrounded by enemies. Why are you creating instability? you know very well that there are certain groups just waiting for an opportunity like this to sneak into Kurdistan and abuse the situation.
It is said that Goran leader met with the Iranians Quds force . If this is not enough Goran in Baghdad demanded to change the status of the peshmerga and demanded that the Iraqi government don't pay for the peshmerga shame on you goran, shame on you! how can you dispute the peshmerga? the defenders of Kurdistan? you should be ashamed of yourself, what about all the martyrs that fought for this status that we have today? why are you feeding lies to the uneducated youth of Kurdistan? do they know how you are going against Kurds in Baghdad?
There is news that there are Iranians agents deployed to Kurdistan. This is may be the reason that there has been unrest in slemani. It's quite sad.
It's all coming into place now:-
1. Unknown gunmen shoot at KDP HQ
2. Unknown gunmen burn Goran HQ
3. Unknown gunmen burn Student party HQ
4. Unknown gunmen burn TV HQ
Seems like the destabilizing is to Irans benefit. Why is america silent? becuase the KDP-PUK are pro-USA, and that's what Iran does not like... perfect opportunity for iran.
I don't know who started shooting first, but I DO know that the HQ was shot too.
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